
Posts Tagged ‘wake’

Listening to: Never Too Late – Three Days Grace.

What was that that I classify as a dream? After seeing Seven Pounds last night, I came home with an altered perspective on life, as lots of this are able to do. Now , I eventually hit the hay, not feeling a hundred per cent. Cue the strangest dream ever. I was “helping” people. Completeing tasks and errands that were recorded on these weird eye like shapes filled with gems of some kind. Every time a certain thing was done it would light up one of these gems… but I’d actually turn over in my sleep – in reality. This wouldn’t be so bad but I got quite stressed out by not being able to do certain things (my memory is very fuzzy regarding the errands) and I had to remove my top half of my pyjamas – again real world. Now this could be attributed to the fact I was heating up quite a bit – I’m thinking coming down with something – but the fact I couldn’t tell if I was awake and thinking so hard about this dream / circumstance or if I was actually deep in sleep was quite scary.

I woke up, like I said, not feeling one hundred per cent: weak, tired, dizzy, headache-y and with a sore throat. So it could have been that this reacted with my dream a bit. But it seemed so real and even after I’d woken up it was still buzzing in my head whether I’d completed every task and lit up every gem. It wasn’t a test or anything, it just seemed to be a “natural” way of the things I’d done being remembered by my mind. And it was very freaky.

Dream or nightmare? It didn’t scare me that much…

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